A recent survey from IBM shows just how worried IT leaders feel about modernizing their IT program in a post-COVID world. Over half of leaders surveyed in the USA and UK say their IT modernization program isn’t ready for the future and 40% of leaders feel that their teams don’t have the right skills to meet their IT ambitions. This is especially true for healthcare organizations, who have been pushed to rapidly modernize their IT programs as the demand for efficient virtual care and quick emergency response escalates. The good news is that meeting those demands doesn’t mean having to have a skilled team – it’s about having the right technology.

Technology Shouldn’t Require Expertise

The right technology is a technology that doesn’t place pressure on healthcare staff to have certain skills to install it or use it – it’s a technology that’s intuitive to use. Providing virtual care should be as simple as setting up a video call, communicating via messaging and pictures, and sending prescriptions directly to the patient. The right technology doesn’t require any clunky workarounds to meet compliance requirements.

Technology Should have Efficiency and Privacy Intertwined

Healthcare, more than any other industry this last year, has had to struggle with an uptick in cybersecurity risks. At the same time, teams have had to respond rapidly to emergencies, communicating quickly with one another. Balancing the two – being able to respond rapidly without risking exposing sensitive information – is a tricky act without the right technology. The right technology is built with privacy by design – meaning privacy is built around everything teams do – so a team can quickly communicate and share information without having to worry that they’re putting it at risk to exposure from malicious actors.

Vaporstream is the Answer for Healthcare Organizations

Sound too good to be true? It’s not – Vaporstream makes sure healthcare organizations can meet IT requirements like having the right technology for virtual healthcare and rapid response – without needing to train their team for the right skills. With Vaporstream, healthcare teams can message, video call, send photos, prescriptions and even scan and process documents without risk of exposing that information to malicious actors. Learn more about how we can meet your needs below:

Infographic: Why Vaporstream is Your Safest Choice

Infographic: Vaporstream for Healthcare

Video: Care Coordination with Vaporstream