Author – Vaporstream Team

Welcome back from what we hope was a happy and relaxing July 4th. Happy Independence Day! For us, July 4th is a particularly meaningful holiday. It’s an opportunity to spend time with family and friends and to appreciate the freedoms and liberties we have living in the United States of America.

As we reflect on independence—both politically and otherwise—we can’t help but marvel at the extent to which technological advances empower independence. The growth of the internet, for example, has allowed people to access information and educate themselves from the comfort of their home and their office – really anywhere. Smartphones have allowed people to adopt more fluid lifestyles easily and safely—whether by allowing them to keep in contact with family and the office, or by providing them with a GPS so that they don’t get lost while on the run. And many of these tools have played key roles in widening opportunities for people who don’t have a lot of independence—just google mobile apps that assist refugees or computers and apps that replace chronically-absent teachers for children in developing countries. The advancements have been endless.

However, with these new developments and independence come new risks. Yes, the internet and smartphones empower us to find new information, perform tasks more quickly, keep in touch with friends and family and be more productive on the move—but it has also created an environment of “over sharing” – resulting in a loss of control over our personal information.

At Vaporstream we pride ourselves on being a tool that enhances the independence that technological developments provide while addressing the accompanying risks. Individuals on-the-go can communicate confidential information—like social security numbers, security PIN codes and their personal schedule—without having to worry. Doctors, lawyers and other professionals can securely discuss critical client and patient information without having to pick up the phone, schedule meetings or wait for pager response. We firmly believe that technological developments should both increase your independence and not pose risk. And so for us, July 4th is a very meaningful holiday. Happy July 4th!

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